60. Not out.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Mulling things over

I have been thinking and vsiiting other blogs lately and although l like the idea of different endings l think l have a problem with the length of my story.

I think its too long and a little boring.
I know because I cant be bothered reading it! and if l cant then who will?

Maybe I need to break it up with more images or even me reading the story as an audio add on.

Its good to mull things over.

Sunday 15 August 2010

now the dust has settled

Hi everyone. Hope you are all well.
I have some exciting news....My film about Cammell Lairds is being taken to Latina in Italy for aninternational film festival!!!!! I am so thrilled.
Latina is twinned to Birkenhead and in Septemebr there is going to be an International film festival again on Wirral and they will travel over from Italy with their films along with films from USA, India, France andmany more places..It s all happening under our own noses soget that video out and with our newly found blogging skills maybe you too can make a short film that could be shown here in Spetember..

Happy Blogging one and all.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Well my fellow bloggers the day draws near and the exitment builds.
Fingers crossed we all get sorted before the switch on, but I am sure it will be a great night anyway.
Having looked over some of the blogs i am really impressed and I hope your plaesed with your results.

Most of us came to the table empty handed and open minded and with help and encouragment from Jenn and Elaine look at where we are!!! Happy days.
Not so scared anymore, just wondering what will happen wehn we go live. I ownder who will read our stories and where they will be reading them.
Who knows where this will lead us - enjoy


Friday 25 June 2010

I have such a job trying to read!! its so unfair. I envy all those out there who can pick up a book and enjoy.Oh to be able to say I am an avid reader...it would be nice to able to type without constantly re-reading everyword and amending it also.
I thought bloggig would make my virtual life asier but in fact it hasn't. Looks as though I will be looking at the scribed site and downloading my written text.Where there's a will!!
So many coping mecahnisms in place for my dyslexia but sometimes you just wnat to read and write unhampered. Sounds like l am feeling sorry for myself tonight maybe l am, ts just that l have read all your blogs and they are so interesting i feel as though i have moved away from my original story now and dont quite know how to pull it back.
Guess it will all come together soon one way or another. Scared about this stuff going live and not knowing who will read it..This is just the beginning.
How do I put my story up on here first followed by the endings.

Does anyone have an ending they would like to offer?

Thursday 3 June 2010